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Eat Your Health Fruits & Veggies Challenge 🍎🥕

  • 28 Days
  • 47 Steps
Everyone who has completed all the steps will get a badge when the program ends.


This is the best time of the year for fun but the worst for your waistline with Halloween candy, delicious Thanksgiving dinners, and decadent Christmas and Winter Holiday desserts, it's almost impossible not to overindulge! While we're not here to take away your fun for the season, we think that everyone can benefit from some more fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet. Enter the Eat Your Health Challenge! This challenge will help you eat health as we encourage you to eat at least 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day. For some that may be easy, for others, not so much. No matter where you are, we've got you! You'll get daily reminders and action steps to help you eat your fruits and veggies and bonus points for sharing creative ways to get more of them in your diet! Have no clue where to start? We've got you covered there too! You'll get easy tips and trick on how to pack more fruits and veggies into your diet that much easier. Don't want to do it alone! Follow and tag @drcandacend on Instagram to get support and have your own personal cheerleader cheering you on! This is one challenge that you can't miss! It only takes 21 days to make a habit. Why not start one that can change your life!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





Program Page: Challenges_SingleChallenge
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